Referral Orthopaedic Service for 25 years


An expanding page to learn more about computerised tomography scanning.

Here at Torrington Orthopaedics we have a 16 slice GE Lightspeed CT scanner on site, available 7 days a week. The CT scanner provides a more detailed examination/advanced imaging of our patients to aid in diagnosis and assessment, and to allow us to more accurate plan further interventions and surgery as required. CT examinations are non-invasive and can be performed relatively quickly, providing a large amount of anatomic detail in a short time.

After working closely with Burgess Diagnostics for a number of years, our experienced staff are able to to make full use of the onsite CT scanner to generate high quality, accurately positioned images, using the most appropriate settings, to aid in the diagnosis of orthopaedic conditions and spinal disease (especially IVDD), assess complex fractures prior to surgery amongst many other applications. We are happy to offer a “CT only” referral service, to provide practice with advanced imaging for both orthopaedic and non-orthopaedic disease/assessment. An external specialist imaging report can also be provided as part of the service.

Most studies are performed under heavy sedation, allowing many of our patients to be discharged the same day (when appropriate). There are a wide range of applications including, but not limited to:

  • Elbow based lameness
  • Shoulder lameness (in combination with contrast arthrography)
  • Stifle disease (in combination with contrast arthrography)
  • Assessment of carpus/tarsus injury and lameness
  • Angular limb deformity assessment
  • Suspected foreign bodies in the feet
  • Spinal disease (especially IVDD)
  • Pelvic trauma
  • Complex fracture assessment
  • Facial/head trauma/fracture assessment
  • Assessment of abdominal structures (neoplasia/trauma)
  • Assessment of the thorax (neoplasia/trauma)

Intravenous (IV) contrast can be used to enhance structures with an increase blood supply, especially helpful when assessing possible metastatic disease/spread. When IV contrast is required, routine biochemistry and haematology should be performed prior to administration to assess renal and hepatic function.


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Torrington Orthopaedics (a Medivet Group Ltd Practice), Mission Street, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 1NQ. 01484 404770
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